From Croatia 9.5.2023.

Europe Day is celebrated on 9 May every year. Namely, on 9 May 1950, Robert Schuman, the then French minister of foreign affairs, presented his proposal for the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community. This proposal, better known as the "Schuman Declaration", is considered to be the beginning of the formation of what is now known as the European Union. Today, together with the anthem and the flag, the ninth of May is considered to be a symbol of Europe. In Milan in 1985, the Council of the European Union decided to celebrate Europe Day on 9 May every year. Europe Day is an opportunity for activities and festivals that bring Europe closer to its citizens. All institutions of the European Union are open for visitors that day. The slogan of accompanying actions is determined by the country presiding over the EU in that period. Europe Day is also celebrated in Croatia which marks it by designating the entire week of May 9 as European Week. Local EU offices in Europe and around the world organize a series of activities and events for all age groups. Every year thousands of people visit EU institutions, participate in discussions, attend concerts and other events to mark that day and raise awareness of the EU. Since the onset of the COVID 19 crisis, the EU has been urging citizens from all over Europe and the world to discover Europe in a safe and mostly virtual way. Physical or hybrid events and visits take place wherever hygienic conditions allow.

Prepared by: Astrid W.

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